Brett Dwyer writes:
Strategy is a quirky topic; it seems there are dozens of different ways that leaders will explain what the concept even is. This, in turn, means there are thousands of books on the topic.
Textbook authors will write about the variables of differentiation and cost. Others will present an argument that strategy revolves around what is most important right now.
However, I’m yet to read a book with a more compelling and visual argument for what strategy can ideally be and it’s certainly informed the way we think about strategy, as outlined here.
The authors argue that most businesses compete in a bloody, red ocean. There are too many businesses doing things in much the same way, offering much the same product or service. It means that there’s very little visible difference between one provider or another. It becomes a scrappy fight for survival.
They explain that truly successful businesses have found ways to operate in a clear blue ocean, where they are providing value that is not found elsewhere.
Their use of diagrams was a real eye-opener for me as an exercise that is well worth working through.
Within our business we’ve managed to identify a blue ocean that we wish to dominate. But it’s perhaps less outwardly obvious than some of the examples in the book. For us, we wish to provide a career experience and opportunity for our team that is unique, rewarding and found nowhere else. (The thinking is that motivated accountants will provide a better service to their clients and want to stay with Eagle) At the moment we certainly seem to be swimming in clear blue water.
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