Brett Dwyer writes:
Gino Wickman paints a very clear picture about why it’s typical that many of the major business success stories (eg: Apple, Disney) had a combination of leaders with different skillsets.
Generally speaking, the person that starts a business with growth in mind, is entrepreneurial. (Lots of people start businesses without pursuing growth. For example, those that simply traded their employment for a contracting-type role).
These entrepreneurs are passionate idea generators. They are always looking towards the next opportunity; the cost being that they can struggle to stick with one thing until it’s complete.
Wickman’s claim is that complimenting such an entrepreneur with a second leader of the business can give them a tremendous advantage. This occurs when this second leader is excellent and relentless at following-through on the plans and analysing the entrepreneur’s ideas.
Reading this book made me understand better why we have some great working relationships within Eagle.
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