The three cornerstones of a better business
PART 1 - GUIDE TO A BETTER BUSINESS The three cornerstones of a better business The three cornerstones There are three fundamental cornerstones to growing a business. Each cornerstone underpins your business and plays a vital role in ensuring you [Read More]
WHY do you do what you do?
PART 2 - GUIDE TO A BETTER BUSINESS WHY do you do what you do? Starting a business involves a huge leap of faith: to go beyond your comfort zone in the belief that you have what it takes to [Read More]
VISION: Where do you want to take your business?
PART 3 - GUIDE TO A BETTER BUSINESS VISION: Where do you want to take your business? When you first had the thought to start your own business, what inspiring images came to mind? No doubt, you had some [Read More]
PRINCIPLES: What do you and your business stand for?
PART 4 - GUIDE TO A BETTER BUSINESS PRINCIPLES: What do you and your business stand for? Imagine these two scenarios: You’ve learned that one of your staff members, Sally, recently made a serious mistake when ordering materials for an [Read More]
STRATEGISE: How are you going to achieve your vision?
PART 5 - GUIDE TO A BETTER BUSINESS STRATEGISE: How are you going to achieve your vision? How you are going to successfully attain the vision you’ve defined within your Big Picture? By strategising, you start to anchor the second [Read More]
EXECUTE: Putting strategy into action
PART 6 - GUIDE TO A BETTER BUSINESS EXECUTE: Putting strategy into action You’ve managed to work out your Big Picture (the first cornerstone of business success) and now you’re working on the second, which is Action. The first [Read More]