Guide to a better business

Small business guidance on the practical steps
to shape a business and a lifestyle that you can truly enjoy…

Small business guidance on the practical steps to shape a business and a lifestyle that you can truly enjoy…

No doubt about it – running a small business is tough.

But many business owners make it tougher than it needs to be.

By not making the time to focus on three key areas, the business starts to shape you rather than you shaping it.

You find yourself spending all the hours in the day working “in” your business:

  • It only functions properly when you’re around
  • Quality time with loved ones away from work becomes scarcer and scarcer
  • It even keeps you awake at night

How can you and your business grow together, in harmony?

This 7-part series is intended to provide you with the guidance you need to take back control and start shaping the business you intended when you started out.

After all, if you’re not actively working on your business, then who is?

No doubt about it – running a small business is tough.

But many business owners make it tougher than it needs to be.

By not making the time to focus on three key areas, the business starts to shape you rather than you shaping it.

You find yourself spending all the hours in the day working “in” your business:

  • It only functions properly when you’re around
  • Quality time with loved ones away from work becomes scarcer and scarcer
  • It even keeps you awake at night

How can you and your business grow together, in harmony?

This 7-part series is intended to provide you with the guidance you need to take back control and start shaping the business you intended when you started out.

After all, if you’re not actively working on your business, then who is?

We practice what we preach

This series is predicated on practical concepts that we have found to have a meaningful impact on all businesses, large and small.

It’s not just theory or the stuff that sounds great in small business coaching textbooks, but rather, things that we have implemented ourselves in our own business (and have worked with numerous clients to do the same in theirs).

You see, we get a real kick out of seeing others succeed in business, achieving their visions and living their passion.

We all have as much time as Sir Richard Branson or Elon Musk, who have achieved incredible things with their 24-hour days.

You just need a framework and the headspace to refocus and start working on your business again.

< Intro 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 >
By |2022-03-07T23:46:15+00:00April 10th, 2021|0 Comments

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